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JDash Graphics

This section will cover the features of the JDash Graphics module.


Add the Maven or Gradle dependency to your project as described below:

<version>${version}</version> <!-- replace with latest version -->

Player icons

Generating player icons is possible using the IconRenderer class. The load method will load in-game assets corresponding to the chosen icon. You can select the color with a ColorSelection instance, that accepts a primary color, a secondary color and an optional glow color.

IconRenderer renderer = IconRenderer.load(IconType.SPIDER, 15);
ColorSelection color = new ColorSelection(12, 9, OptionalInt.of(9));
BufferedImage output = renderer.render(color);

This code gives the following output:



BufferedImage is a type from the Java Graphics API, you can for example save it to a file with ImageIO.write():

ImageIO.write(image, "png", new File("icon.png"));

If you want to use default colors:

ColorSelection color = ColorSelection.defaultColors(true); // true = show glow

Player icons for a GDUserProfile

If you have a GDUserProfile, you can use the IconSetFactory to conveniently generate icons for the user.

GDClient client = GDClient.create();
GDUserProfile user = client.getUserProfile(98006).block();
IconSetFactory factory = IconSetFactory.forUser(user);
BufferedImage output = factory.createIconSet();



Use factory.createIcon(IconType) if you only want one of the icons instead of the whole set.

Difficulty icons

This module also supports generating difficulty icons for levels. The DifficultyRenderer class gives you a lot of flexibility to achieve that while still being simple to use.

BufferedImage image = DifficultyRenderer.create(DemonDifficulty.EASY)



withStars(int), withMoons(int) and withDiamonds(int) accept arbitrary values, including negative ones. Beware that the image may be truncated if the value exceeds 3 symbols.

Difficulty icon for a GDLevel

If you want the difficulty icon of a specific GDLevel, use the DifficultyRenderer.forLevel(GDLevel) method and directly call render() on the result:

GDClient client = GDClient.create();
GDLevel level = client.findLevelById(10565740).block();
BufferedImage image = DifficultyRenderer.forLevel(level).render();
